In my reviews, I try to summarize the book or use Goodreads or another published summary then I discuss my likes and dislikes of the book. Items I consider while reviewing are how well do I bond and empathize with characters, believability of romantic relationships, world building, mythology building, secondary characters, plot strength, mystery, snarkiness, suspense, and action (horizontal and otherwise). The items mentioned above are in no particular order and of course not every book will have them all but these are some of the things I keep in mind while I read and are what I tend to write about in my review. At the end of the review I give my rating out of 5 stars and a quick summary of what I loved about the book.
Breakdown of Rating:
5 Stars - Absolutely loved this book and never want to let it go!
4.5 Stars - Loved the book - will seek out all others by author!
4 Stars - Loved the book, only a few minor issues with book, will seek out all new books by author!
3.5 Stars - Liked the book, will seek out all new books by author.
3 Stars - Liked the book, will consider buying new books by author.
2.5 Stars - Decent book but had a few issues with it.
2 Stars - Okay book but I had issues with some book items.
1 Star - Did not finish.
Please remember that all reviews are just my honest opinion - if you're on the fence still about buying a book make sure to check out other book bloggers reviews as well before deciding to buy a book (can find some great ones in my blog roll) or feel free to contact me. I love discussing books and have read many more books than are reviewed here.