This is a new weekly post hosted by me and Incident over at Sordid Fantasy. We will list some of our favorite fictional men along with why we love/lust them. Pictures will also be included.

My pick this week is Clayton from the Women of the Otherworld series. The Otherworld series is set in our same universe - just that no one knows that creatures that go bump in the night really exist. Werewolves in this series can be born or converted by bite which not many survive. Clayton was converted as a child and spent part of his youth on his own where the distinction between human and wolf behaviors definitely got blurred. Clayton seems more feral than human though he is off the charts in terms of intelligence and hotness. So reasons to love/lust Clayton: He's a doctor (Ph.D. in Anthropology) that looks like a sun-kissed surfer dude. He loves doing the deed outdoors - against a tree, in the grass, in a ditch - whenever the urge grabs him though particularly after a good fight. He also speaks in a southern drawl which in my mind sounds like liquid honey.
Favorite Clay quotes: "You forget, darling. I am the local psychopath." (From Bitten)
"At school, our classroom had a small rodent zoo consisting of two rabbits, three hamsters, a litter of baby gerbils and a guinea pig. At first, I’d thought the teacher was raising snack food, which impressed me, being the first sign of intelligence she’d shown. Soon, though, I’d figured out the animals’ true purpose and left them alone, though I would never understand the appeal of petting and coddling perfectly good food." (Clay as a kid in Men of the Otherworld)
So what do you think - does the picture match the book character? Have you read this series as well and want to fight me for Clay as a book boyfriend?
(I want to give a special shout out for pattepoilue who shares the love for all things Clayton and Kelly from Demon Lover's Book Reviews for her excellent man candy (which I used a pic from!))
Howdy! I found your blog through the book blogger hop and I'm now I'm a follower!!!
@Cindy Thanks for following!
Though I haven't read any of Kelly Armstrong's books,I have heard they are awesome!
Do you want to kill me Lady? lol I'm drooling like crazy now. CLAY!! I LOVE Clay!! *g* He is my #1 book BF. (Then there's Trent from Kim Harrison's books *g*).
That picture is pretty close to what Clay looks like in my mind. Ohhh how I love him.
The Psychopath quote is one of my favorite. But he's so funny.
I'll fight you any day for Clay. (Or we could share, but we'll have to get rid of Elena first lol)
The short story about him when he was young was amazing.
Clay in society is SO funny. I wanted to slap Elena silly in the first book for being so stupid about him.
See?Now you got me all excited lol Thank you, that's exactly what I needed. Clay *swoon*
YAY for Clay!
Wow, great new meme, will definitely come and check out each new featured fictional man, the pic of Clay is gorgeous, yum!
And I agree with you and Pattepoilue, Clay is also one of my favourite fictional BF/hero. He is sexy as hell, funny (LOVE how he interacts with humans! lol) and so caring and passionate, mm.. I could go ona nd on.. great first pick, can't wait to see who will be featured next! :-)
@bookaholic - the Women of the Otherworld series is great- I love the books though since each book can feature different main characters (there's 5 with Clay in them) you can also pic and chose which character to follow - though I've liked all the books so far.
@pattepoilue I knew you would like this post ;) There is so many things I like about Clay I had to stop myself from writing a couple pages about him ;)
@Stella I'm glad you like my new feature - I already have my next one picked out.. more drooling for next Saturday..
I'm very happy to see i'm not the only one that is crazy about him, I could go for hours talking about him!
*sigh* Clay!
I love Kelley Armstrong and this series and Clay is one of my favorites from that series! I just found you from the Book Blogger Conf. this weekend and wanted to stop by and say hello! :)
@pattepoilue- I wonder if we need to have a support group..women readers who love clay ;)
@Shauna - thanks for stopping by! Yup as you can tell Clay is a definitely fav of mine!
@Heather - Clay is definitely my hottie fave of the series!! I forgot to mention that Lucas is my 'lil sorcerer fave, he's just too sweet. :) Great pic for Clay, btw. =] It's a fun series for sure! I just finished book 5, Haunted. I read them in between some YA reads. I have most of the others and can't wait to read them! Kelley Armstrong is coming to California on a book tour in September and I'm hoping to make it to the signing, she is one of my favorites!
@Shauna - oh Lucas is a good one too..hmm future Sinful Saturday feature perhaps ;) I wish Armstrong was doing a signing near me but no such luck so far..
Hi Heather, I've only read the first book in this series but I have the next 3 sitting in my TBR pile :o) I have to confess to a soft spot for Clay! I love the pic you have for him - very close to how I imagined him LOL. I must dig out the rest of these books & continue reading them :o)
@Sarah - I read all the books in the series in a week I think - I didn't sleep much that week but the books were so good!
Yep...he's Clay alright!
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